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Love and Life Advice for College Couples

Love and Life Advice for College Couples

College couples face some challenges unique to their situation in life. At a time when you are learning about yourself and figuring out what you want, is a relationship a good thing or a bad thing?

College Couples: More Serious Than High School

One of the first things you’ll notice about being in a college is your relationships can turn serious-very serious. Some people still marry their high school sweethearts, but most people today don’t get married until later in life, such as in college or right after graduation. Knowing that your dating could lead to engagement puts a much different perspective on the whole thing.

Not All Serious

At the same time, college is also a place for casual dating. College exposes you to a much larger group of people than high school, and taking time to meet all the different personalities is also a smart idea.

Which Is Better?

Neither option is better. If you find someone you are really compatible with, then you should go ahead and have a serious relationship with him or her. At the same time, don’t feel like you have to be serious. You can be a dating college couple without any plans of getting married.

Life on Campus for College Sweethearts

Being in college allows you and your partner to spend lots of time together…maybe too much time. This is fun, but don’t neglect your other relationships. College is a great time to make deep, long-lasting friendships. Spending all your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend will prevent you from seeking out other types of interactions. If you later break up, you won’t have some great friends to comfort you if you neglect everyone while dating. Continue reading Love and Life Advice for College Couples