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Are Relationships Between Students And Professors Taboo?

Are Relationships Between Students And Professors Taboo?

College time is often the time of first love, relationships, and new experiences. It also means meeting new people and new professors. Sometimes these things mix up, and students and professors fall in love with each other. So what is going on when this happens? We polled 1000 students and 1000 professors from all over the USA to find out!

How Do Students and Their Profs See Their Relationships

The relationship between students and professors has always been a complex issue. Someone may treat it as a problem, but someone, on the contrary, still considers their university professor a crush. But how do students and teachers themselves feel about this? And even more, so those who have had time to be in such relationships. This is what we wanted to find out. Both students (69%) and professors (73%) mostly answered that they have favorite students or teachers, respectively. But just having preferences doesn’t mean anything romantic. The reasons can be very different. Our next logical question was: what can make a student/teacher your favorite?

For the students, the answer was obvious. 84% said that the way the professor teaches is an essential factor for them. A pleasant, understandable, and modern approach to teaching makes good teachers stand out, quickly turning their class into the most visited one. 58% indicated the personal qualities of a professor as a factor that can turn them into a favorite one. 25% indicated how the teacher grades and only 16% stated appearance as a decisive factor.

The professors’ answers varied slightly. Personal qualities were the most significant factor here. 75% chose it. In the comment to the question section, many respondents specified that among these traits, they value politeness and an equal and positive attitude towards other students and teachers the most. Continue reading Are Relationships Between Students And Professors Taboo?