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Tips for a Healthy Long Distance Relationship

Tips for a Healthy Long Distance Relationship

As college ends, one of the most difficult aspects of the transition into post-grad life is the change in your social life. Typically, young people develop close friendships during the college years and the thought of leaving them behind can be a tough one to bear.

This is especially hard for romantic relationships. When it comes time to don the robes and tassels, many college couples ask themselves — can we make this work?

My boyfriend and I had been dating for about 4 months when I graduated, and we had dated a semester before I studied abroad as well. We cared for each other deeply, and decided to try long-distance over the summer after my graduation.

The summer was tough. I had an internship in northern Massachusetts Jordanian kaunis tyttö avioliittoon while he lived at his family home in North Carolina. We spent a total of 10 days together over a four-month period.

My boyfriend was a year behind me in school, so that fall he went back to my alma mater while I lived and worked in Chicago. We were long distance for about one year.

During that time, I learned a lot of the ins and outs of maintaining a long distance relationship. It takes hard work, but with these tips, you and your college sweetheart may be able to go the distance.

1. Talk every day

One of the first mistakes my boyfriend and I made was only talking on the phone or Skype a few times a week. Without the extra effort to make time for each other, we found we were talking less and less and thus felt less and less close to each other. Relationships take lots of communication, even in person. If you have to be long-distance, make and keep a schedule to talk to each other, even if just for a few minutes to check in.

2. Find special occasions

These can be birthdays, anniversaries, the release of a movie you both want to see, or even Pi Day. Sharing in the celebration of something across the distance gives you a shared experience — something that’s harder to get when you’re long distance. Continue reading Tips for a Healthy Long Distance Relationship